Bedroom Organization Ideas [From Experts]
Last Updated on October 28, 2024 by SierraLivingConcepts
Tips for Decluttering and Maximizing Space for Your Bedroom
The bedroom is integral to any home and contributes immensely to our physical and mental well-being. A well-organized bedroom space can make one feel at rest and help heal and rejuvenate the body, and mind to face a new day. Clutter in these healing spaces may contribute to stress and irritability early in the morning, even before one faces the challenges of everyday life, and late at night when most of the healing takes place. Moreover, devoting an hour or two to declutter a whole week’s mess is unnecessary if only a few simple organizing steps are incorporated into your daily routine. So, here are a few simple techniques that can help declutter your bedroom and transform it into a relaxing haven.
1. Make your bed before your breakfast!
Tami from Silverlining Organizers suggests that making your bed goes a long way in the decluttering process. It “improves your mood, decreases stress, leads to better productivity, and kick-starts your day!” This is a very small task and takes hardly a minute but can bring a considerable amount of tidiness to your room. A neat bed can then draw your attention to other areas in the room that need organizing which would otherwise go unnoticed. The storage space in the bed can be used to store blankets, extra linens, and other off-season items that do not need regular use, further helping in the decluttering of closet space.
2. Get rid of clutter-induced stress
The bedroom is where you feel completely at home and hence needs to be the ultimate place of relaxation. This relaxing nature of the bedroom knowingly or unknowingly also becomes the reason why we bring most of our work here. Katherine Lawrence with My Space Matters recommends getting rid of the following items to transform the bedroom into a space of rest and respite:
2.1. Unfinished projects:
These include unread files or books, unaccounted bills, half-done crafts, shoes or clothes waiting to be mended, etc. creating a chaotic environment that drains you before the day begins.
2.2. Paperwork and office supplies:
Bringing your work to the bedroom can contribute to the piling up of unwanted stacks of papers and office supplies. In these cases, relocating your office work is recommended. However, if that is not possible you can take 10 minutes before going to bed and toss out unwanted items, clean up the writing desk, and put the rest of the items in a drawer or a closed storage box to create a clean ambiance.

2.3 Memorabilia:
Katherine Lawrence highly recommends the removal of excess sentimental objects from the bedroom, “Let the past go to make room for new memories and new experiences, especially if they are cluttering up what could be your cozy, peaceful bedroom.”
3. Manage your clothes
Keli Jakel from Organized by Keli suggests “Folding or hanging clothes as they come out of the dryer.” This ensures that there are no pit stops for the clothes and thus the pile of dry clothes on the bed or the chair does not create unnecessary stress of pending work. Similarly, having a separate space for clothes that are “not dirty/not clean,” like on hooks behind doors or a chair might help keep track of these clothes. However, always include these clothes on laundry day to avoid piling.
4. Detangle wires
Keli Jakel also suggests keeping electronics in drawers near the bed, with charging stations to help avoid visual clutter every time one needs to access these devices.
5. Utilize vertical space over horizontal space
“Prevent clutter on horizontal services such as dressers and bed-stands by taking items out of the bedroom that do not belong there (donate, trash or rehome somewhere else in the house),” suggests Alexandra Kozak with Living Simply PGH

READ MORE: Guide on how to organize your dressers like a pro ->
6. Take advantage of the bedroom space
If you use your bedroom for work, Elaine Fernando, Move Manager and Professional Organizer with Organized Transitions LLC suggests replacing the nightstand with a console. No space for clothes? Swap your bedside table for a dresser!
7. Channel the right energy
Shera Sever of Elegant Organization suggests the use of soft lights in the bedroom, having space on both sides of the bed, avoiding unnecessary electronics, books, etc. that clutter the surfaces, and instead mounting a meaningful painting above the headrest, to channel the right energy.
8. Do not be scared to let go of things
According to Audrey Tesora with Right Touch Organizing Services LLC, “You don’t need to spend a lot of money to be organized, but you do need to get rid of items which are no longer serving you.” To do this she provides a few easy tips:
8.1. Divide and conquer:
Decluttering and disposing of items no longer in need is an important step to an organized bedroom. However, start with one corner at a time, so that the process doesn’t get overwhelming.
8.2. Use it or lose it:
Here, she suggests the optimal use of closet space, organizing clothes for their use, and donating, repurposing, or disposing of items that have none. She also pays special attention here, to the customization of closet space according to your needs, and getting appropriate hangers to create a more efficient and streamlined look.

8.3. Utilize to the max:
Maximizing the amount of space with the use of bins baskets hooks and pegs on the walls is suggested here. Drawer dividers work great when one needs to separate small miscellaneous items like undergarments work-out attires or even cosmetics, and jewelry.

8.4. Enhance visibility:
The space on the walls can also be used to organize items. Buying a peg board to hang your hats, handbags, and jewelry or floating shelves to display pictures, books, and even sunglasses to keep your daily items in sight.

8.5. Maintain every day:
Putting everything where it belongs at the end of the night, choosing one’s outfit the night before to avoid frantic rummaging in the morning, decluttering the floors, and keeping on top of laundry are a few ways in which you can transform your bedroom into a relaxing haven!
Decluttering and organizing your bedroom is a big step towards a healthy mind and body. Start with one manageable task at a time, keep it simple, and remember consistency is the key to a clean and peaceful home.